martedì 13 ottobre 2009

Sicariidae, Loxosceles taino

This spider like others in the same genus are
very dangerous to humans. They have a Citotoxic venom
that causes necrosis, fever, nausea, vomiting and rashes.
They occur in the south-west. The size is about 7/11 mm.



Theridiidae, Latrodectus geometricus

Best known as Brown Widow.
Their venom is highly toxic, more than Black Widow but it's very
difficult for them to come in contact with humans, even if they live into
houses, gardens, beaches and grass where people often walk
barefoot. The size it's about 11 mm for the females and 5 mm for
the males. They can be found everywhere and their color varies
from clear brown to black.

In this picture you can see both female and male, the color
of the female it's very rare, almost white with orange spots.

sabato 10 ottobre 2009

Theraphosidae, Cyrtopholis Sp. undescribed.

Subfamily: Theraphosinae

This is a new species that I found in 2009.
The female have a body lenght of 42mm and the male 26mm.
The colors are truly spectacular, deep brown 
with orange legs. Some times the femurs are dark blue.




lunedì 25 maggio 2009

Theraphosidae, Holothele sp. Azul

Family: Theraphosidae
Subfamily: Ischnocolinae

This is one of my favorite migalomorph spider.
The colour is silvery blue and it turns grey before the molt,
Males sometimes are golden colored.
They are widespread across the island of Hispaniola.
They live under stones in burrows lined with silk.

After molt...

martedì 3 febbraio 2009

Araneidae, Nephilinae, Nephila clavipes

Esta preciosa araña muy comùn en casi todo el
continente americano, se encuentra principalmente
en lugares muy humedos y frescos, sobre todo
en las montañas. El dimorfismo  sexual es muy marcado,
las hembras alcanzan una longitud corporal de 35mm
y los machos solo 6-7mm.
Sus telas son muy amplias llegando a medir hasta un
metro de diametro. Sobre sus telas frecuentemente
se encuentran como huespedes otras arañas llamadas
cleptoparàsitas, se alimentan de los restos de sus
victimas sin ser detectadas. Estas oportunistas
pertenecen a la familia Theridiidae y su nombre es
Argyrodes nephilae, una de ellas es visible en la primera
imagen, es de color plateado.
During copulation...

Immature Female

lunedì 2 febbraio 2009

Dipluridae, Ischnothele garcia

A beautiful specimen from the family Dipluridae.
They are difficult to find among the forest.
They are very fast and makes big funnel webs
at the base of trees or between rocks, in the dry south-west region.
Females reach 16mm and males 12mm.

Araneidae, Argiope species.

Widespread throughout the island, mostly near the coastal areas.
The web construction have a structure in the center
named Stabilimenta, the immatures makes it like a spiral,
while the adults make an X shaped and the A. trifasciata
make a vertical line.

Argiope florida

Argiope argentata


Argiope trifasciata

Theraphosidae, Cyrtopholis cursor

Subfamily: Theraphosinae

This is a burrowing tarantula, they can dig more than 30cm deep.
The size of the female is 50mm and the male 30mm.
Normally their are very aggressive and people believe
that they can kill. I have been bitten once, it was like a
bee sting and one hour later the venom effect disappear.


Tetragnathidae, Alcimosphenus licinus

This beautiful spider can be found among low bushes,
in shady areas with high humidity.
The female can reach 11 mm and the male 8.

This one have parasites.

domenica 1 febbraio 2009

domenica 25 gennaio 2009

Sparassidae, Heteropoda venatoria

Una de las especies mas comunes de la isla,
además de ser una especie pantropical,
se encuentra en todos los trópicos del mundo, 
se alimentan de una gran variedad de invertebrados y
pequeños vertebrados, mayormente cucarachas, grillos y polillas.
Poseen un tamaño considerable, los machos 21mm de cuerpo,
las hembras 30mm y con las patas ambos pueden llegar a 125mm.

